Booking conditions


Telephone reservation is considered to be a legal will agreement. The written confirmation of the rental agreement is an administrative confirmation. Reservation is final after receipt of the down payment of 50% of the rent. This must be paid within seven days after receipt of the rental agreement and the remainder on day of the booking (check in day)departure.


Rental contract/lease agreement

Prior to sailing, renter is required to sign a rental contract drafted by the lessor in his/her name, and to identify himself/herself by means of a passport, driver’s license or ID card. Vessels are delivered only after singing this rental contract and payment of the deposit. You check the inventory list in advance. If things are lost after your check, you are liable. In case you are renting the vessel for the first time, you will be offered a trial. In case of disagreements, the signed rental (acquisition) contract shall apply first.


Security deposit and insurance

The tenant has a deductible of € 1000.00 per claim in case of hull and WA damage and in case of loss. . . The excess must be deposited with the landlord as a deposit prior to departure. Sunset Charter has insured his ships all-risk with an excess of your deposit. Unreported damage and / or loss are outside the excess and will be charged for 100% to the tenant. If damage has been caused to the ship or to the inventory, this damage will be deducted from the deposit amount. In the case of damage caused by gross negligence, willful misconduct and after the consumption of alcohol and/or drugs, you will be liable for the entire damage, be it direct, indirect or consequential. You must follow the instructions of personnel at all times. Sunset Charter...harbourmaster, police and competent waterway authorities. All tenants are instructed in the handling of the vessel, engine and accessories.


Payment options

Our preference is for online payments. This can be done via the Ideal link that you will receive at the time of booking. We prefer to receive the deposit via card payment, because in case of a damage free return it will also be returned and we do not want you to pay bank charges for this. Upon arrival at the reception you can pay by PIN or contactless.



No ships will be issued to minors, even if parental consent has been obtained. The hirer and therefore the person in charge of the pleasure craft is at least 18 years old (in some cases we will use the age of 21, which depends on the type of pleasure craft). It is not allowed to occupy the boat or boats with more than the number of persons indicated and to use them in any other way than intended by the lessor.



Upon departure, we will provide you with a full tank of Gas. The usage is charged to the renter. If the pleasure craft cannot be refueled, we charge the renter based on motor hours, for an average use per motor hour.


Departure and return

Your time of departure is indicated in the contract; make sure you are on time. If you wish to pick up the vessel after 10am, you are required to notify us in advance. We will try to find a solution for this. The return time is also indicated in the contract. In the event of a late return, the lessor is allowed to charge a minimum of €50 for every hour the vessel is overdue. If the vessel’s return is delayed to such an extent that the next renter is disadvantaged, the lessor has the right to take the entire deposit and charge any additional consequential damages to the renter or his/her insurance.


Fixed costs per booking

Per booking, final cleaning is included.
The vessel will be handed over to you in clean condition and we would like to receive it back from you in a reasonably clean condition. Since the next renter also likes to stay in a clean vessel, we always do the final cleaning and check ourselves.


Boat instruction

After explanation of the water chart and the boat manual you can go on board and check the inventory. An instructor will visit you a.s.a.p. to discuss the technical and operating instructions. A boat instruction is not a sailing instruction!


Sailing instruction

We assume that you have some experience in sailing a boat, if that is not the case you can book a sailing instruction via the extra order form. Depending on your own insight and action speed.


Other charges

Our vessels are fully equipped. A complete inventory list is always onboard. You only have to bring your own duvets, towels and tea towels. It is possible to book duvets as well as towel and tea towel packages in advance. You can also book other extras of course, such as lifejackets, water maps, etc. You are required to check the inventory. Sunset Charter checks your boat upon return; you will be charged for any lost goods.

No pets allowed.